Edizione 2015 | WorldHumor https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en Solo un altro sito WordPress Mon, 10 Mar 2025 01:01:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 Marco De Angelis https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/marco-de-angelis/ Sun, 26 Mar 2017 17:05:49 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=97 Marco De Angelis was born in Rome (Italy) in 1955.He is cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer, professional journalist of the daily La Repubblica. He published on 150 newspapers in Italy and abroad from ’75. Some publications: Il Popolo, Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, La Repubblica, Panorama, Grazia, I Gialli Mondadori, Lavorare, Trasporti Pubblici, Help!, ComicArt, the new […]

L'articolo Marco De Angelis sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Marco De Angelis was born in Rome (Italy) in 1955.He is cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer, professional journalist of the daily La Repubblica. He published on 150 newspapers in Italy and abroad from ’75.

Some publications: Il Popolo, Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, La Repubblica, Panorama, Grazia, I Gialli Mondadori, Lavorare, Trasporti Pubblici, Help!, ComicArt, the new editions of Il Travaso and Marc’Aurelio, WittyWorld, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Herald, Herald Tribune, Vancouver Sun, Institutional Investor, Courrier International, Le Monde, Nebelspalter, Yez, Eulenspiegel, etc.

mda1cleisThe New York Times Syndicate and CartoonArts International distributes his editorial cartoons worldwide.

Illustrator for many children’s books for Giunti, De Agostini, La Scuola, San Paolo, Lapis, European Language Institute (28 magazines in 30 Countries).

He collaborated with several associations, companies and televisions (RAI TV and TeleMontecarlo) .

Member of the central staff of the magazine online “Buduàr”. mda3cleis

He won the Golden Palm in the International Salon of Humour in Bordighera ’97, two Prizes Council of Europe and other 70 international awards (Istanbul, Tehran, Belgrade, Krusevac, Olen, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Ottawa, Dolo, Fano, Città di Castello, Pescara, Genova, Fano, Ferrara, etc.). Member of juries, his cartoons are exposed in many museums in the World.

L'articolo Marco De Angelis sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Gianandrea Bianchi https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/gianandrea-bianchi/ Sat, 25 Mar 2017 23:12:33 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=489 From  point to pixel, the image’s evolution from analog to digital. I’ve always drawn but I was mostly within the boundaries of the “Little World”. Self-taught, before with pen and ink of rapidograph and then the markers are the tools that give life to the line of my drawings on all materials that happen, but […]

L'articolo Gianandrea Bianchi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

From  point to pixel, the image’s evolution from analog to digital.

I’ve always drawn but I was mostly within the boundaries of the “Little World”.
Self-taught, before with pen and ink of rapidograph and then the markers are the tools that give life to the line of my drawings on all materials that happen, but with preference for  napkins paper of bars and pizzerias.

gene_dorandoDrawing caricatures because in Fidenza there is the “numero unico” that accompanies the fidentini from birth and then at some point it was automatic take the baton of Rino Montanari and GioTesti, by invitation of Bruno Faroldi ahead of me a few years to carry on this local tradition. Until 1985.
With Bruno Faroldi, even  attendance at Bordighera.
Cesare Perfetto gives us the award for Computer graphic animation



For family reasons I moved to Bardi, another “Little World” on Apennines of Parma, at that time it is in the forefront on the web and on digital projects ,.
From 2000 to 2008, my team, also thanks to the contribute of Andrea Pontremoli, before manager and then president IBM Italy, organizes the Bardi Web, the competition for Internet sites leading to Bardi the best of national web.


The return to Fidenza  coincides with the return to drawing and, in 2012, a staff that unites old and new levers restarting the tradition of the local paper, with the new title “L’asino che ride”.

The “Little world” told by Guareschi and authors, its precursors and contemporaries in the “numero unico”, is the area that has all the qualifications to become the headquarters of a major exhibition on humor.

This is my idea in Rome, November 2014, at the meeting with Trojano and De Angelis. It is the beginning of the World Humor Awards.

L'articolo Gianandrea Bianchi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Lucio Trojano https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/lucio-trojano/ Sat, 25 Mar 2017 17:03:03 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=94 Born in Lanciano (Chieti – Abruzzo Region)  in 1934, he studied Law. He is known as a cartoonist and illustrator since many years, actively involved also as jury member in several domestic and international exhibitions. He worked for many magazines and newspapers, publishing books of drawings about different subjects and advertising for Corporates (Citybank, Ford, […]

L'articolo Lucio Trojano sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

TrojanoBorn in Lanciano (Chieti – Abruzzo Region)  in 1934, he studied Law.

He is known as a cartoonist and illustrator since many years, actively involved also as jury member in several domestic and international exhibitions. He worked for many magazines and newspapers, publishing books of drawings about different subjects and advertising for Corporates (Citybank, Ford, Siae, Spigadoro, Aci, Cit-Coni, Villa Banfi, British Leyland).

Among his main important awards: trojano-berlino80

  • Palma d’Oro (Gold Prize) at International Exhibition in Bordighera  1979  – Cartoon sector
  • Palma d’Oro (Gold Prize)  at International Exhibition in Bordighera  1990  – illustrated book sector
  • 1° Prize  Consiglio d’Europa ( European Counsil), Strasburgo 1973
  • 1° Prized Esposizione Mondiale della Caricatura, Berlino 1980
  • 1° Prize  Political Satire “G. Scalarini” 1982
  • Premio Presidente della Repubblica 2011.

Expositions in museums in Basel, Tolentino, Istanbul, Gabrovo (Bulgary), Smirne (Turkey).

L'articolo Lucio Trojano sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Giovannino Guareschi https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/giovannino-guareschi/ Mon, 16 May 2016 16:33:24 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=65 Now, I will tell you all about myself. The 1st of May 1908 at Fontanelle di Roccabianca, a joyful village in the lower region of Parma, in one of the small houses facing the square a girl by the name of Ermelinda came to light.  It wasn’t me: I was born in the same village […]

L'articolo Giovannino Guareschi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Now, I will tell you all about myself.
The 1st of May 1908 at Fontanelle di Roccabianca, a joyful village in the lower region of Parma, in one of the small houses facing the square a girl by the name of Ermelinda came to light.  It wasn’t me: I was born in the same village on the 1st of May 1908, but in a house on the other side of the square, later I was given the name of Giovannino.
My mother was a teacher, my father ruined himself with a trade centre. My parents had decided that I should become a naval engineer and so I ended up studying law and thus, in a short time, I become famous as a signboard artist and caricaturist.
Since no one at school had made me study drawing, drawing naturally had a particularly fascination for me and, after doing caricatures and public advertisements, I studied wood-carving and scenic design.  
At the same time I kept busy as a doorman taker in a sugar refinery, a superintendent in a parking lot for  bicycles, and since knew nothing at all about music I began to give mandolin lessons to some friends.I had an excellent record at a census taker. I was teacher in a boarding school and then I got a job correcting proof of a local newspaper. To supplement my modest salary I began to write stories about local events, and since I had a free day on Sunday I took over the editorship of the weekly magazine which come out of Monday. GG_inedito
One fine day I took a train and went to Milan were I worked editor-in-chef into a humor magazine called “Bertoldo”. This is the magazine in which Saul Steinberg, who at that time was studying  architecture in Milan, published his first drawings and for which he worked until he left to go to America.
For reasons entirely beyond my control the war broke out and one day in 1942 I went on a terrific drunk because my brother was lost in Russia and  find out anything on him. That night I went up and down the streets of Milan shouting things which filled several of legal-size paper as I found out the next day when I was arrested by the political police. Then a lot of people worried about me and finally got me released. However the political police wanted me out the circulation and so called me into the Army, and on the  9th of September 1943, with the fall of Fascism, I was taken prisoner again, this time at Alessandria in Northern of Italy. Since I did not want to work for the Germans I was sent in a Polish concentration camp. I was in various German concentrations camp until April 1945, when my camp was taken over by the English and after five months, I was sent back to Italy… (from Giovannino Guareschi, Autobiography)

On returning home from the German concentrations camp in 1945, Giovannino Guareschi founded a new magazine, “Candido”, that would publish literary pieces, drawings, and commentary, able to take on overtly political targets.
Among the important national questions to be settled in Italy at the War’s end, there was the fate of the Monarchy, and a referendum held in 1946 resulted in the transformation of the Kingdom of Italy into the Italian Republic. Guareschi and his magazine had unsuccessfully supported the King. In 1948, Alcide De Gasperi and the Christian Democrats did defeat the Communists in the national elections, with the indispensable aid of the magazine of Giovannino Guareschi. In the magazine appeared in a weekly series of humorous tales the characters of don Camillo and Peppone that, collected in many books, have had a declared international success. Guareschi 2Don Camillo and Peppone continued to delight their fans (who ranged from peasants to Popes), both in print and on the big screen (in a series of films with Fernandel and Gino Cervi as the beloved priest and mayor).
In the early 1950’s, Guareschi decided to move his family from Milan to the village of Roncole Verdi near Parma, in the lands where he was born. In 1954 Guareschi published on “Candido”, after having them declared as true by an expert, two letters proving Alcide De Gasperi’s responsibility in some events during wartime.
Guareschi was attacked by De Gasperi for a judgement and then was sentenced for contempt at 13-month in jail in Parma. Demoralized by this experience, GG was also experiencing health problems.
In 1957 Guareschi was discharged from “Candido” Director continuing to work as a simple collaborator.
In 1961, the Publishing House of the “Candido” closed the magazine. This was a severe blow to GG that, in 1962 had suffered a heart attack.
Recovery was hard and took some time; Giovannino of course continued to write, in the magazine “Oggi” and “Il Borghese”, and also by sending drawings to the newspaper “La Notte”.
Then, Giovannino Guareschi’s distinctive voice was silenced by a fatal heart attack in the summer of 1968, at the age of 60.

L'articolo Giovannino Guareschi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Giorgio Testi https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/giorgio-testi/ https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/giorgio-testi/#comments Fri, 13 May 2016 16:59:19 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=88 Painter and illustrator, was born in Fidenza in 1931 where he managed, for over forty years, with his wife, a philately and numismatics shop that over time has turned into an art gallery. Satisfying his satirical vein he alternated painting and the creation of special mosaics using the stamps, with the collaboration of the local […]

L'articolo Giorgio Testi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Painter and illustrator, was born in Fidenza in 1931 where he managed, for over forty years, with his wife, a philately and numismatics shop that over time has turned into an art gallery.GIO TESTI2-FO
Satisfying his satirical vein he alternated painting and the creation of special mosaics using the stamps, with the collaboration of the local paper.
Creating caricatures of famous people he has participated in several humorous competitions.
In Vercelli, in 2000, he won the first prize at the “Biennial of Humour in the World” with Dario Fo caricature.

L'articolo Giorgio Testi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/giorgio-testi/feed/ 1
Rino Montanari https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/english-rino-montanari/ Thu, 05 May 2016 22:21:03 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=579 For a smile again … Finding myself after many years, perhaps too ?, having to write a preface to  friend and colleague Rino Montanari, I can not help but note how humor, among other gifts, has the ability to stop and together ahead of the times … … It is a meet, is a play […]

L'articolo Rino Montanari sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

For a smile again …

Finding myself after many years, perhaps too ?, having to write a preface to  friend and colleague Rino Montanari, I can not help but note how humor, among other gifts, has the ability to stop and together ahead of the times …

… It is a meet, is a play to be adult children, in the synthesis of the dream of Peter Pan, in that sort of limbo that God and the wickedness of men have built for poets, madmen, children, innocent, humorists.montanari1
A place where, however, you are not so bad, the company has chosen and good and the smile is there.
And where does it feel men. Why, what differentiates man from beast is only the smile: men and animals cry, eat, dream, suffer, rejoice, but only man, among the creatures of God, has the gift of a smile. And to smile then, is the soul.
In this perspective, it is important that artists like Rino Montanari continue, with tenacity and even sacrifice, in their testimony of the satire, never bad, but always open to the opportunity to donate something, to unite, to open to the world and a smile men who in too many, unfortunately even among those who abusively called humorists, they want to close in hatred and daily madness barriers.montanari2
In the province, and Rino Montanari as many in the world are daily witnesses, there is still this strength: the ability to find appointments with the design, with humor, what else is denied, fought, misunderstood.
The smiles that have given the world the big dreams, high hopes, the great realities, facts from simple to the simple, to the outside of the conspiracies of the powerful.
In a sign of the smile of Brother Francis, light in the darkness of the year one thousand, or Saint Thomas who, before the gallows, had the wisdom to say, “Lord, give me the joy of humor.”
We feel grandchildren of this wisdom, we call humor. And Rino Montanari, in the company, is not among the last.

Bruno Rabajotti

L'articolo Rino Montanari sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Contemporaries of Giovannino Guareschi https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/i-contemporanei-di-giovannino-guareschi/ Thu, 05 May 2016 16:55:23 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=85 Since 1927 the “Numero Unico” find new performers: Pir (Quirino Bernardi) that draws the new head of  the “paper” and the young Vittorino Ortalli (Il Tarlo),  skilled with pen and with pencil, that will advance the paper, together with Nino Denti, until 1938. In 1946, after the war, Numero Unico starts with the spirit of […]

L'articolo Contemporaries of Giovannino Guareschi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Since 1927 the “Numero Unico” find new performers: Pir (Quirino Bernardi) that draws the new head of  the “paper” and the young Vittorino Ortalli (Il Tarlo),  skilled with pen and with pencil, that will advance the paper, together with Nino Denti, until 1938.
In 1946, after the war, Numero Unico starts with the spirit of rebirth.
To Veterans, Pir and Nino Denti, adding new authors.Contemporanei
We recognize the signatures of Alberto Tassi Carboni, Bruno Rabaiotti and especially Rino Montanari destined to become the most popular Fidenza author of the postwar era.
Among the authors of the paper, since 1961, also Giorgio Testi which we propose some representative drawings of his forays into the great world.

L'articolo Contemporaries of Giovannino Guareschi sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

The Guareschi precursors: Numero Unico of Fidenza https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/i-precursori-il-numero-unico-di-fidenza/ Thu, 05 May 2016 16:51:58 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=81 The Little World in Borgo San Donnino, from 9 ottobre1898, is told with the publication of the Numero Unico. A tradition with different titles and authors has been maintained over time to become an indispensable ingredient of the patron. In 1899 was also founded “Il Risveglio”, the voice of fidentini Catholics, in a confrontation that […]

L'articolo The Guareschi precursors: Numero Unico of Fidenza sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

The Little World in Borgo San Donnino, from 9 ottobre1898, is told with the publication of the Numero Unico.
A tradition with different titles and authors has been maintained over time to become an indispensable ingredient of the patron.donpingul
In 1899 was also founded “Il Risveglio”, the voice of fidentini Catholics, in a confrontation that anticipates that between Peppone and Don Camillo.
Luigi Musini, the founder of the unique number, is secular socialist and therefore the directors of the weekly of curia are often satirized by Numero Unico, as evidenced by some caricatures at the hands of carboni-donNullo Musini (Musolino) in 1902 and Alberto Carboni in the edition of 1922.
The happy hand of the  Barilla future designer is already apparent in these early experiences.

L'articolo The Guareschi precursors: Numero Unico of Fidenza sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

GiPi alias Gian Alfonso Pacinotti https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/gipi-alias-gian-alfonso-pacinotti/ Wed, 04 May 2016 16:47:22 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=78 Comic book author and director, Gipi (1963), to the attention of the Italian and European public by the end of the nineties. Her work focuses on a pictorial research that led him to express himself with the most varied techniques, also using oil painting and watercolors, while almost all the authors of Italian and foreign […]

L'articolo GiPi alias Gian Alfonso Pacinotti sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Comic book author and director, Gipi (1963), to the attention of the Italian and European public by the end of the nineties. Her work focuses on a pictorial research that led him to express himself with the most varied techniques, also using oil painting and watercolors, while almost all the authors of Italian and foreign comics using digital graphics.
It emerges in the Italian comics scene for a profound synthesis between the great narrative skill and realism both descriptive and expressive.gipi400
With its original and innovative style, it stands in a few years, winning numerous awards until it was consecrated in 2006 with the “Goscinny” award and “best book” at the Festival International de la Bande dessinée d’Angouleme, the only Italian, after Hugo Pratt and Vittorio Giardino. The graphic skills and the extraordinary ability to analytically describe environments and characters are also evident in the illustrations for Don Camillo. His interpretation of the feelings, the emotions, the atmosphere is really amazing, to the point of not making possible, except in a few cases, to attribute the design to a particular story.

L'articolo GiPi alias Gian Alfonso Pacinotti sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

Istvan Kelemen https://www.worldhumorawards.org/en/edizione-2015/istvan-kelemen/ Wed, 04 May 2016 16:44:20 +0000 https://www.worldhumorawards.org/?p=75 He was born on june 26, 1957 in Baja, Hungary where he lives and works. He graduated from the University of Arts and Crafts in 1989, in movies and animated videos. In addition to an absolutely personal and innovative graphic style, Istvan Kelemen demonstrates that he unbridled imagination and creativity, which allow him to create […]

L'articolo Istvan Kelemen sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.

istvanHe was born on june 26, 1957 in Baja, Hungary where he lives and works.
He graduated from the University of Arts and Crafts in 1989, in movies and animated videos.
In addition to an absolutely personal and innovative graphic style, Istvan Kelemen demonstrates that he unbridled imagination and creativity, which allow him to create comic and funny pictures.
His illustrations are densely filled, not only the characters and settings, but also by objects and animals that enhance the comedic and irreverent effect.
From the point of view of style Kelemen seems to approach the particular linearity and formal purity adopted by Saul Steinberg, and then by Guareschi in cartoons made for “Bertoldo”.
In his works it is clear its outstanding graphics and compositional mastery from which arise involving images, surreal and surprising, built on a fragmented illustration in the myriad of objects and characters that occupy almost the shot.

L'articolo Istvan Kelemen sembra essere il primo su WorldHumor.
