The jury is at work to decide WORLD HUMOR AWARDS 2017 winners.
140 authors participated in the contest for a total of over 300 drawings.
They are to be assigned:
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and five excellence trophies for the theme design
1st and 2nd prizes for caricature
Special Guest Trophy WHA 2017
Two special awards for drawing and caricature, titled Rino Montanari
The high quality of the received work is putting the jury in serious trouble. After the first consultations, these artists (in alphabetical order) received the reports:
Carlos AMORIM (Brasile), Guy BADEAUX (Canada), Niels Bo BOJESEN (Danimarca), Angel BOLIGAN (Cuba), Bruno BOZZETTO (Italia), Toti BURATTI (Italia), Athos CAREGHI (Italia), Gianni CHIOSTRI (Italia), Mariano CONGIU (Italia), Osvaldo DA COSTA (Brasile), Paolo DAL PONTE (Italia), Siri DOKKEN (Norvegia), Franco DONARELLI (Italia), Boris ERENBURG (Israele), Fabio FINOCCHIOLI (Italia), Anthony GARNER (UK), Miroslav GERENCER (Croazia), Cau GOMEZ (Brasile), Raul Alfonso Grisales GUAICO (Colombia), Musa GUMUS (Turchia), Lucy HOBRETCHT (Russia), GianLorenzo INGRAMI (Italia), Emilio ISCA (Italia), Adnane JABIR (Marocco), Konstantin KAZANCHEV (Ucraina), Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (Ucraina), Mario MAGNATTI (Italia), Gregory KATZ (Israele), Izabela KOWALSKI WIECZOREK (Polonia), Nicola LISTES (Croazia), Thiago LUCAS(Brasile), Silvano MELLO (Brasile), Fawzy MORSY (Egitto), Elena OSPINA (Colombia), Andrea PECCHIA (Italia), Mariagrazia QUARANTA (Italia), Jean-Michel RENAULT (Francia), Doriano SOLINAS (Italia), Constantin SUNNERBERG (Francia), Achille SUPERBI (Italia), Maurizio TONINI (Italia), Walter TOSCANO (Perù), Christine TRAXELER (Francia), Istvan KELEMEN (Ungheria), Vincent WOODCOCK (UK)
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